Our doctors work in a partnership and as a group. Although you are registered with a named doctor, you may see any of the doctors in the partnership.
Dr Abdul Mir MB.BS. CCTGP (Male)
Dr Mir, Partner, qualified at the University of Kashmir, India in 1995. He is a vocationally trained GP who trained in the local area. He carries out chronic disease monitoring and acts as our surgery representative in the Cannock North PCN.
Dr Danielle V Telford MBChB. MRCGP (Female)
Dr Telford, Partner, qualified 2015 from University of Birmingham. Vocationally trained in the local area.
Dr Ali Sajjad.
Clinical Team
Practice Nurses
Kerry Hartshorne
Emily Daly
Health Care Assistant
Jenny Moorse
Community Health Care Team
Our Community Health Care Team includes:
District Nurses, Health Visitors, Community Midwife and Community Psychiatric Nurse.
Primary Care Network Staff
Throughout the week we are joined by various members of staff from our Cannock North Primary Care Network (PCN). This includes clinical pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, a first contact physiotherapist, a social prescriber and a mental health support worker. Having staff who undertake these roles whilst working on our premisis means that we can direct you to the most appropriate service in the most efficient way.
Clinical Pharmacists
Clinical pharmacists work as part of the general practice team to improve value and outcomes from medicines and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing extra help to manage long term conditions, advice for those on multiple medicines and better access to health checks.
YouTube video describing the Clinical Pharmacist role.
First Contact Physiotherapists
First Contact Physiotherapist (FCP) are experienced physiotherapists who have advanced skills necessary to assess, diagnose and recommend appropriate treatment or referral to musculoskeletal (MSK) problems on a patient's first contact with healthcare services.
YouTube video describing the First Contact Physiotherapist role.
Mental Health Care Practitioner
Psychological wellbeing practitioners (PWPs) are trained to assess and support people with common mental health problems, principally anxiety disorders and depression, in the self-management of their recovery.
Support Time and Recovery Worker
A Support Time and Recovery Worker provide support and give time to the patient to help their recovery. Patients will usually be referred from the Mental Health Practitioner and will have been identified as requiring additional non clinical support to manage a variety of issues, such as homelessness and substance misuse.
Social Prescriber Link workers
Social Prescribers help reduce health inequalities by supporting people to unpick complex issues affecting their health and wellbeing. They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.
The role of a Social Prescriber (YouTube Video)
Pharmacy Technicians
Pharmacy Technicians support the delivery of safe, effective and efficient systems for medicines optimisation, repeat prescribing, reducing medicine waste and monitoring patients on high risk medication ensuring tests (mainly blood tests) are carried out regularly.
Care Coordinators
Care Coordinators help to coordinate and navigate care across the health and care system. The can help patients get the right type of care and support for their conditions, putting patients and carers in touch with the correct services or GP staff to support their needs.
Practice Management
Practice Manager
Judith Williams
Operations Manager
Elaine Southall
Our managers, along with the doctors, are responsible for the development of the practice for the benefit of our patients. They are also responsible for staff management, dealing with general enquiries and problems or complaints.
Administration Team
Quality and Information Administrator
Scanning Administrator
Safeguarding and Cancer Care Champion
Care Navigators
Carol, Karen, Emma and Kath
Our Care Navigators work together to help our patients in accessing the most appropriate service or healthcare professional in a courteous, efficient and effective way. They also undertake a variety of administrative duties to assist in the smooth running of the practice.