Cannock, Staffordshire,
WS11 6DE

Registering with Us

Practice Catchment Area

View Catchment Area map in full screen mode

Use the map above to check if you live within our catchment area, if after checking you are still unsure please contact reception to confirm. 

Please inform us about a change of name or address as soon as possible. If you move out of the practice area, you will be required to register with a more local practice.

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How to Register as a Patient

If you live in our practice catchment area you can join our patient list. 

You will need to request a Welcome Pack from the surgery. This contains various forms and information about the practice. To register, you must fill out the following forms:

  • Register with a GP Surgery (PRF1) form
  • Ethnicity form
  • Patient code of conduct

You can also register with the practice Online through the NHS Website (link opens in a new browser window).

If you would like this information in an alternative format (for example, large print or easy read) or if you need help with communicating with us (for example, because you use British Sign Language), please let us know. You can call us on 01543 504477. 

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Temporary Residents

The doctors are happy to see patients who are temporarily living in the practice area should medical advice be required. In this instance please state that you are a temporary resident when asking to register at the surgery.

You will need to complete a Temporary Resident Registration form (GMS 3) at reception.

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Accountable Named GP for All Patients

All patients registered at Moss Street Surgery have a named doctor. This is for your reassurance that you have one GP who has overall responsibility for your care and support. However, patients may be booked in with any of the doctors at our surgery and are free to express a preference. 

If you are unsure of who is your named doctor please ask at reception.

New patients are allocated a named doctor on registration.